How to Fight for your Marriage

Often times we spend time and energy fighting the right battles, with the wrong weapons, and at the wrong places. A round peg can never fit in a square hole! It is a pity that most of the times we think we are communicating with our spouse, we are actually engaged in a battle of words…which can be very hurting because hurtful words pierce right through our hearts and even leave scars (Proverbs 15:1). Most times, we listen to reply and not to communicate or effect a change. 

Marriage is a ‘conscious commitment that requires daily effort to make it work out’ and therefore demands our willingness to make it a success. Permit me to say that misunderstanding is an integral part of marriage because it helps both spouses to know and understand each other better. Just as we can’t cut off an injured part of our body but nurse it to heal; so we can’t cut off our spouse just because of a misunderstanding. It may be a major or minor misunderstanding but whichever it may be, communication with an open heart is necessary for positive change. It is okay to make your point and explain how you feel about a misunderstanding to your spouse rather than bottle it up inside which will lead to grudges and create distance between you two, thereby giving the enemy a foothold or an opendoor into your home. As much as our human nature would want to express it harshly, we should try to do so in kind words (Proverbs 15:1) and in submission to one another out of reverence to Christ (Ephesians 5:21)

After making your point known, if your partner does not come to that place of understanding with you, do not go all out harshly on them or start complaining to friends. Rather, take it to God before whom you made the marriage vows and remember that He alone understands your spouse better than you do and He can powerfully without force effect that change in your spouse. Look to Proverbs 21:1. In essence, where to do your fighting in marriage is at THE PLACE OF PRAYER! Now, prayer is the right weapon for the fight in marriage. Miracles happen at the place of prayer anytime!

In summary, do not take your marriage fight to friends, family or supposed confidants first! Take it to the author of marriage first. Who is GOD! It is only the original author that has the power to edit his script because he understands it better. An author is the Authority! So, “FIGHT FOR YOUR MARRIAGE AT THE PLACE OF PRAYER” With God on your side you shall win! Remember, one with God is always Majority.


Published by Abbie

Hello there, I am simply Abbie, #JesusGirl the only wife of the best husband in the world and a Super mom. I love to talk and read about marriage and relationships with each other and with God. I can spend the whole day with you on it. Being with you on this website is my passion and taking me further with your comments, observations and discussions is a dream come true. Let's take a tour together around the world of Relationships...with God and man

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