Get busy!

My husband first saw me in the church. Then, I would go straight to church from work every service day. He said he would just see one young lady walking into church every service day with all seriousness

I also joined a service unit in church, working for God and fulfilling purpose. So it helped him get a closer look.

If I was idle at home or just among the congregation, I don’t think it would be easy for him to notice me.

It was this understanding that Ruth had, that made her step out into the fields to work in Ruth 2:2-5
In verse 2, Ruth said, “Let me now go to the field….
As she was busy working, Boaz noticed her and in verse 5, he said  “…Whose damsel is this?”

What if Ruth had stayed back home with Naomi? How would she be noticed by Boaz?

Your Ruth is out there and your Boaz is out there, waiting to notice you but you have to play your part by making an effort to first, go out there and work. Then make sure you are serving in God’s house with all your heart. Not just for the purpose of getting married but for the purpose of adding to God’s kingdom.

I did not stop singing in the choir after marriage. Infact, 7 years down the line and I am still singing unto the Lord and I have a circular job I do. Your motive must be right, else God will not come through for you.

So, get busy for God and yourself today!

Your Jesus girl with love,
Abbie’s Desk✍,

Never drop your sword!

Last week, while I was busy arranging the ones they had scattered, both my sons were busy playing and scattering the house even more…Smh!

In the play, they were using pencil as sword. So the younger one dropped his ‘sword’ and the elder one said
“Eliel where is your sword? Why did you drop it? You will no longer be powerful”

Woah! That hit me!

I began to meditate on this scripture;
“And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:(Eph 6:17)

So today, I want to ask you;
“Have you dropped your sword?
Have you dropped the word of God?”

A sword is used in battle for defence and to fight. Imagine if a soldier drops his sword in the heat of a battle… How would he defend himself or fight back?

The Word of God is a defence. It is the Spirit of God in us that helps us fight the battles of this world and helps us not to be conformed to the ways of the world.

Like my son said… “Why did you drop your sword? You will no longer be powerful!’

So no matter what, hold unto your sword of the spirit which is the Word of God so you can always be powerful. Never drop it!

Your Jesus girl,
Abbie’s Desk✍


My second son usually stay with me in the main church because he is not up to the age of staying in the children church.
So there is this robust baby girl of about 2 years who is always bullying him.

Once she sees him, she grabs him, push him or drag his hand, until he falls. The disturbance became so much that I try to dodge sitting close to them in church but most times it is unavoidable because mothers with children less than 2 years sit at the back of the church so as to avoid distraction. So we end up sitting close most of the times.

About 3 Sundays back, she came with her normal bullying strategy but to my surprise, my son fought back! He held her cloth, pulled it as he screamed. He even used his head to push her to the ground last Sunday.

What???? 

Sincerely I felt relieved that at least he can stand up for himself.

Guess what? The girl’s bullying has drastically reduced cos she encountered an unusual opposition.

What is my point?

Be careful how you treat people around you. Even the most gentle person grow tough when they are continually ill-treated and learn to fight back. When you continue to treat a person badly, you just might be teaching them how to do without you.

Never take advantage of a person’s calmness by treating them harshly cos there might just be a lion inside that you will awaken which you cannot stand.

And for you that is being bullied in any area of your life, stand up for yourself and fight back! You have it in you!

Whoever thought my son would be able to fight back a person that is 9 months older than him and bigger too?

Do not let the enemy take an advantaged position over you. Stand up to the devil, look him in the face and roar right back because the Lion of Judah lives in you!

Treat people right!
Stand up for yourself!

Yours sincerely,
Abbie’s Desk✍

He Invested in People!

The news of our father’s death at round 10pm on the 11th of January this year gave us quite the shock! We prayed for more than an hour that God should reverse it but it was the same.

Even as his body was taken to the mortuary, I was expecting to hear that he came back to life on the way but nah…

I guess it was his time… God called him home!

After 24 hours, I gave in and my next thought was; how do we go about the burial? Financially and otherwise because humanly speaking, the budget was bigger than what was available.

To our greatest surprise, our father’s burial was like the miracle of multiplication when Jesus fed the 5000 in Matthew 14:13-21

People turned up! Yes you heard me! People turned up!
Emotionally and morally.

The whole 7 canopies we rented were full, even our sit out was full with people.

Who were the people? They were more of his spiritual sons and daughters.

My father may not have been financially buoyant with money investments but he was physically and spiritually buoyant with people investment.


How did he invest in these people?

He served…
He prayed for and with them…
He encouraged them…
He was there for them in times of need…
He told them about Jesus…
He loved them genuinely!

I remember the times when his phone rang in the middle of the night… No matter the time, he went over to their house and stayed there praying with them untill day break.

He shared his life with people, so he was buried in the most honourable way and will always be remembered!

Do not keep to yourself, invest in people.
If you want to be remembered, plant the good seed of yourself in the lives of people.

A call to serve is a call to sharing your life with others.

Serve well!

Yours truly with love,❤❤❤
Abbie’s Desk✍

Like mindedness ~ move with your kind!

So my second son started walking at 10 months and he is always so excited to walk. Even when I take him along to go and get something, he would want to walk. But when I put him down to walk, he sometimes start going backwards instead of forward or he will stop to pick up something from the floor, start playing or he will be walking into the road.

Oh God! All these slows my pace and I end up carrying him against his will so I can avoid all the distractions and meet up with time…

What am I trying to say? In your journey of destiny and purpose fulfilment, do not carry people along that are not on the same level of
Thinking pattern
Goal pursuit
Focus and purpose!

They will only be a distraction, slow your pace and affect your focus, there by causing you to achieve less, waste your time or even divert your goal.

Out of the 70 disciples Jesus had, He prayerfully chose 12 (Luke 6:12-13) whom He called Apostles. He knew they will not distract him from his purpose of the cross.

Most times, it is not about the crowd, it is not about how many people you have on your team. What matters is the like mindedness of the people on your team.

A person with 3 like minded team members will achieve more than the one with 10 team members of different thoughts, goals, purpose and pursuit.
Jesus understood this principle, that was why he applied it. Even out of the 12 disciples, he had 3 close disciples. If Jesus our ultimate example can do this, how much more we?

So, in your life’s purpose, run with like minded people!

Yours in truth,

Abbie’s Desk✍

Growth is a process

At 3 to 4 months, my son started having signs of teeth. It was quite discomforting for him and me too. I kept checking his mouth for the teeth but did not see it until he was 7 to 8 months.
Now, look at all the time it took and the discomfort we both felt… It was as if the teeth was not going to come out and it took quite some time but all these while, it was actually taking root!

I want to encourage someone today;

1) Growth is a process! You may be going through many discomfort but trust me, the change is taking root and it will manifest soon.

2) What have you been asking God for? It may seem like its taking forever but trust me, God is working it out and making some major changes for your good.

The Bible says in the book of Luke 18:8b
“…Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”
(Read the preceding verses)
Will your hope and faith still be in God when He moves to answer you?

So, keep your hope alive! And keep praying… And keep the faith!
*That child or spouse will change
* That job will come
*Your marriage will work out
*Your husband/wife is coming…
*Your finance is changing for the better

It is well with you now and always cos you are an Overcomer!

Yours with love,
Abbie’s Desk✍

Before you say “I do” Part 3 – Love Yourself!

I can imagine how intense Jesus teaching was that evening… The people around Him were so engrossed as their minds were filled with different thoughts… They had began to see themselves from a different perspective that needed clarity…

Thank God for the scribe that stood up and asked Jesus in Mark 12:28 (paraphrased)  “Master, I think I am getting your point but in all you have said, what is the first commandment of all? “

And Jesus answered….
First, Love the Lord your God and then
You love your neighbour AS YOU LOVE YOUR SELF

Did you see what I see?

Let me show you….

When you love God first, He helps you love yourself and loving yourself in turn helps you to love others.

Now, you cannot effectively love another if you have not love God first and then yourself. So, the third thing to do ‘before you say “I do” ‘ is to LOVE YOURSELF!

Yes, you may have some flaws you are not comfortable with but the Goodnews is everybody does as no one is perfect. You must love yourself, look past your flaws and see strength, accept you for who you are and work towards positive change.

When you don’t love yourself, you end up struggling for attention and even holding on to the wrong relationships that hurt you because you will always feel you’re not good enough.


Yours with love always,
Abbie’s Desk✍

BEFORE YOU SAY “I DO” Part 2 – Find your purpose

Years before I met my husband, I had unconsciously told my father that I want to marry a pastor. I was quite young then but it shows that I understood my purpose and was not ready to sacrifice it on the altar of wrong marriage.

Being married to the wrong destiny partner is the greatest frustration that can happen to a person.

Discovering your purpose before marriage will help guide you in your choice of a life partner.

A person who knows their purpose is like a man who is headed to a defined destination and because you are sure of where you are going, you will not just take any vehicle or carry everyone along.
You will only board a vehicle headed to your destination and will only carry people who are headed your way.

Years later, I met my husband and he is a pastor! And its not just about being a pastor, our destinations, thoughts, purpose and destiny are aligned.

Know what God has called you to do and follow it! Stay on course!
Do not allow physical qualities of a wrong person distract you.

Life, purpose and marriage goes beyond the physical! It is spiritual! It is divine compatibility.

God is counting on us to seek His face, hear from Him, follow His direction and fulfil purpose and that cannot be done if we marry wrong!

Finding and knowing your purpose is a divine guide and pointer to marrying right.

If you think marrying late is frustrating, ask those who marry wrong?

Have you discovered your purpose?
If yes, congratulations and let it guide your choice in marriage.
If not, please do by seeking God’s face and following His divine leading.

Yours truly,
Abbie’s Desk✍


I know of a person who kept saying her first daughter who is calm took after her and she disliked her second child who was more action oriented and not calm, saying that one took after her husband. But in the real sense, the reverse was the case!

Now tell me, how can such a person improve if she does not even know her personality, let alone accept it?

To know yourself is to understand yourself fully. It is to understand your emotions, desires, values, weakness, strengths and character in general.

Some people never want to accept the weak part of themselves. But then, how can you make room for change to be better if you have not known and accept yourself?

Knowing and accepting our short comings, flaws or weaknesses is not to put us down but to bring us to light and encourage transformation in order for us to:
Be better
Make better choices and
Love our spouse better.

For instance, I know I shout a lot. Maybe due to the environment I was raised in and gene no dey lie!

I have come to understand that aspect of me even before I got married. So it guided me to choose a partner who doesn’t shout.
Also, I know and understand that I am not a person who will say I love cooking. It guided me to marry a person who does

Lastly, I am not a very generous person and I can be quite selfish a times, which I know and accept about myself. It helped me to marry a selfless giver so as to create a balance.

You should also Know and celebrate your strengths (what you can do well) as this will also guide you to marry right.

This is where compatibility comes in…
Most times, you are strong in the areas your spouse is weak while your spouse tend to be strong in the areas you are weak. Our God is a God of balance and perfection!

So, before you say “I do”,
Know yourself
Understand yourself and
Accept yourself

Plenty love to you from moi❤❤❤❤❤
Abbie’s Desk✍


My second son is your only grandchild you were yet to see…
I fought the urge to take that Christmas holiday trip but I felt it strongly in my spirit to go and so I went…Thank God my husband agreed.

It was fun! We had a wonderful time as a family, though not all siblings were present.

Who would have thought that would be the last of you I will see?

I remember how you raised us…with the strongest of hand, principles and discipline. We felt you were too harsh but they are all part of what has moulded us into strong, fine, disciplined and godfearing women.

You point us to God, you are the first example of a Christian I ever had
You lived for God till your last breath and gave yourself for people and God has called you home…

Like my father passed on unexpectedly, so will we all one day… But the question is;

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour?
Are you using the gifts and talents God gave you for His glory?
Will He tell you “well done” if you meet Him now?
Do you have unforgiveness in your heart?

The Bible says in Mark 13:32 “the day and the hour, no man knows…”

Judgement day is not until the world ends, it is when you meet your maker in death, and everyone will not live until the last day. When you die, your judgement day has come.

Live Ready!
Live Ready!!
Live Ready!!!

Adieu Daddy,
Rest on in the Lord, till we meet to part no more…

Your baby girl,
Abbie’s Desk✍