Get busy!

My husband first saw me in the church. Then, I would go straight to church from work every service day. He said he would just see one young lady walking into church every service day with all seriousness I also joined a service unit in church, working for God and fulfilling purpose. So it helpedContinue reading “Get busy!”

Before you say “I do” Part 3 – Love Yourself!

I can imagine how intense Jesus teaching was that evening… The people around Him were so engrossed as their minds were filled with different thoughts… They had began to see themselves from a different perspective that needed clarity… Thank God for the scribe that stood up and asked Jesus in Mark 12:28 (paraphrased)  “Master, IContinue reading “Before you say “I do” Part 3 – Love Yourself!”

BEFORE YOU SAY “I DO” Part 2 – Find your purpose

Years before I met my husband, I had unconsciously told my father that I want to marry a pastor. I was quite young then but it shows that I understood my purpose and was not ready to sacrifice it on the altar of wrong marriage. Being married to the wrong destiny partner is the greatestContinue reading “BEFORE YOU SAY “I DO” Part 2 – Find your purpose”


I know of a person who kept saying her first daughter who is calm took after her and she disliked her second child who was more action oriented and not calm, saying that one took after her husband. But in the real sense, the reverse was the case! Now tell me, how can such aContinue reading “BEFORE YOU SAY “I DO” ~ KNOW YOURSELF (Part 1)”